Cocktail (1988 film)

Cocktail is a 1988 American romantic comedydrama film directed by Roger Donaldson and written by Heywood Gould, whose screenplay was based on his book of the same name. The film tells the story of a young New York City business student, Brian Flanagan, who takes up bartending in order to make ends meet.

After leaving the United States Army and moving back home to New York City, Brian Flanagan Tom Cruise gets a parttime job as a bartender at night while studying for a business degree. Over time, he learns the tricks of the trade, including flairing, from his bossmentor Doug Coughlin Bryan Brown. Brian and Doug soon become very close Doug readily assumes a mentor role over the young and naive Brian, and rains advice and opinions down upon him. His advice takes a familiar structure, as he usually begins most of them with Coughlins Law.While Brian has high personal aspirations, Doug is leery of the notion of starting their own bar together. Doug intends to call his bar Cocktails amp Dreams. ........

Source: Wikipedia